Best Butt Exercises

October 2010

Best Butt ExercisesWant to tone, strengthen and lift your butt muscles? These exercises target your glutes and can help improve the look of your backside while strengthening the muscles that help stabilize your back and legs.

Best Butt Exercises

  • Squats – a simple squat can work wonders for your glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your hips by bending your knees. Return to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you rise.
  • Lunges – start standing upright with your feet a few inches apart. Take a large step forward with one foot and then slowly lower your body by bending both knees. You can alternate lunges with each leg or return to a standing position and repeat the lunge with the same leg for more of a challenge.
  • Bridges – begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart on the floor. Lift your butt and your back slowly off the ground until lifted your entire back up to your shoulders off the ground, creating a diagonal line between your knees and shoulders.

Doing these simple butt exercises three times a week and eating a healthy, balanced diet can helpĀ remove excess fat and tone your glute muscles.