In the reality that we live in, with social media and the need to “keep up with the Joneses”, we feel this pressure to have this ideal image of what perfection is and what society feels is “attractive”. We find ourselves wanting to lose weight but we don’t want to do the work and always […]
Tips to Lose Weight Naturally
Posted In: Getting Active, Healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Paleo Diet
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
The Paleo diet is a dietary plan that is based on foods that might have been eaten during the Paleolithic time, which dates from approximately 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. Other names that the Paleo Diet has are, Paleolithic Diet, Hunter-Gatherer diet and Caveman Diet. The purpose of the Paleo diet is to help […]
Jun 13

Medifast vs. Optifast
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Medifast and Optifast are two of the markets leading brands of meal replacements for weight loss. They both have the same purpose of losing weight, but are different in some ways. So what sets them apart? Are they the same? And, which is better? In this article, we will discuss the benefits, the differences and […]
May 28

Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body needs for normal bodily functions. Vitamin B12 helps your body produce more protein and helps your body use fat and carbohydrates for energy. But the problem with Vitamin B12 is that, it is not produced by the body and the body doesn’t store Vitamin B12 for […]
May 15

Diet Shakes and Weight Loss
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Diet shakes, also known as meal replacement shakes are used to help further assist a weight loss program. Before starting any weight loss program, you should see your primary care provider to assure the safety of your health, or a physician that specializes in bariatrics and weight management so that they can evaluate your health/weight […]
Mar 12

What is the Best Diet for Diabetes?
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Diabetes is the most common disorder of the endocrine system that can be broken up into two different types; Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to create insulin and Type 2 Diabetes occurs when the body does not properly respond to the effects of Insulin. Insulin is […]
Nov 27

Review of the The Hollywood 48-hour Miracle Diet
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
As an obesity specialist physician who has been treating obese and overweight individuals for the past 11 years of my life, the term “The Hollywood 48-hour Miracle Diet” makes me upset. The field of medicine has come a long way in recognizing obesity as a medical problem and furthermore the research and the practical aspects […]
Aug 11

This is Your Body on Fast Food
Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical
The fast food industry has taken over in the United States. In 2012, the International Food Information Council conducted a survey of American eating habits. They found that no less than one in every four American adults eat fast food at least once a day. What is more, they found that more than half of Americans, 52% to be exact, find doing their taxes to be less confusing than figuring out how to eat a healthy diet. [Read more]
Oct 07

Cooking Healthy to Lose Weight
Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical
There is one realization that many people come to when trying to lose weight in Los Angeles and Bakersfield: eating healthy is much easier to do from the comfort of your own home. While it is perfectly possible to find a healthy meal while eating out, putting yourself in control of the ingredients you are using is a much safer way to ensure you are complying with your medical weight loss diet with each bite you take. [Read more]
Jun 11

Emotional Eating
Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical
Sticking to a logical, healthy eating plan can be the key to unlocking your weight loss potential, but for many people, emotional eating can ruin even the best intentions. [Read more]
Nov 04

Jul 25