Dr. Payam Kerendian’s Comprehensive Approach to Pain Management in Los Angeles
Unlike most physicians, Dr. Kerendian does not believe in masking your pain with narcotic medications such as Vicodin, Morphine, Percocet, or other medications that “hook” your body into wanting more and more.
Dr. Kerendian’s approach to pain therapy stems from his background and extensive knowledge & training in the musculoskeletal system. His approach to any patient starts with listening to you for an accurate history of your pain. Then, he diagnoses the core root of the pain with an osteopathic based exam. This accurate diagnosis leads him in formulating a comprehensive and personalized pain therapy program for you.

Pain Management
Shoulder Pain Elbow Pain Knee Pain Wrist Pain Hip Pain
Shoulder Pain
What could cause my shoulder pain?
(click here for more info on shoulder pain mechanism)
- Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
- Calcifications
- Labrum Tears (Rotator Cuff tears)
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Degenerative Joint Disorder (wear and tear of joint)
- Sprain
- Partial tear of ligaments
- Partial tear of tendons
- SLAP Injury
- Joint Dislocation
- Arthritis
- Muscle stiffness
- Arm
- Neck
- Fascial Somatic Dysfunction
- Muscle strains
- Tendonitis
- Referred pain from other Joint problems or vertebral problems
- Fluid Effusion
- Systemic joint Disease
What treatment modalities can help?
Dr. Kerendian’s advantage as an Osteopathic Physician/ Regenerative Physician is the knowledge to affectively diagnose and more importantly, the skill-set to treat COMPREHENSIVELY by utilizing any combination of modalities that are listed below to treat your shoulder pain and injuries.
- Trigger Point Injections
- Prolotherapy
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
- Anesthetic or Kenalog Joint Capsule injection
- Fluid Aspiration
- Osteopathic Manual Therapy
- Manual Adjustments
- Myofascial Release Therapy
- Targeted Muscle Stimulation Therapy

Elbow Pain
What could cause my Elbow pain?
(click here for more info on elbow pain mechanism)
- Arthritis
- Degenerative Joint Disorder (wear and tear of joint)
- Tendonitis
- Golfer’s Elbow
- Tennis Elbow
- Sprain
- Partial tear of ligaments
- Partial tear of tendons
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
- Bursitis
- Muscular Strains
- Fascial Tension
- Referred Pain
- Systemic Joint Disease
What treatment modalities can help?
Dr. Kerendian’s advantage as an Osteopathic Physician/ Regenerative Physician is the knowledge to affectively diagnose and more importantly, the skill-set to treat COMPREHENSIVELY by utilizing any combination of modalities that are listed below to treat your elbow pain and injuries.
- Prolotherapy
- Osteopathic Manual Therapy
- Manual Adjustments
- Trigger Point Injections
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
- Myofascial Release Therapy

Knee Pain
What could cause my Knee pain?
(click here for more info on knee pain mechanism)
- Arthritic Joint
- Meniscus tears
- Degenerative Joint Disorder (wear and tear of joint)
- Chondromalacia
- Sprains
- Partial or complete tear of ligaments (Medical Collateral Ligament, Lateral Collateral Ligament, Anterior Collateral Ligament, Posterior Collateral Ligament,)
- Partial tear of tendons (Quadriceps Tendon, Pez anserinum, Patellar Tendon)
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle stiffness
- Bursitis
- Fascia Tightness
- Referred pain from other joints or musculoskeletal issues
- Systemic Joint Disease
- Joint Effusion
What treatment modalities can help?
Dr. Kerendian’s advantage as an Osteopathic Physician/ Regenerative Physician is the knowledge to affectively diagnose and more importantly, the skill-set to treat COMPREHENSIVELY by utilizing any combination of modalities that are listed below to treat your knee pain and injuries.
- Hyaluronate Viscosupplementation therapy
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
- Stem Cell Augmentation
- Trigger Point Injections
- Prolotherapy
- Joint Fluid Aspiration
- Osteopathic Manual Therapy
- Myofascial Release Therapy

Wrist Pain
What could cause my Wrist pain?
(click here for more info on wrist pain mechanism)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Artrhritis
- Stress fractures
- Degenerative Joint Disorder (wear and tear of joint)
- Sprain
- Partial tear of ligaments
- Partial tear of tendons
- Tight Fascia
- Compartment Syndrome
- Tendonitis
- Strains
- Somatic Dysfunction
- Systemic joint Disease
What treatment modalities can help?
Dr. Kerendian’s advantage as an Osteopathic Physician/ Regenerative Physician is the knowledge to affectively diagnose and more importantly, the skill-set to treat COMPREHENSIVELY by utilizing any combination of modalities that are listed below to treat your wrist pain and injuries.
- Trigger Point Injections
- Prolotherapy
- Osteopathic Manual Therapy
- Manual Adjustments
- Myofascial Release Therapy
- Targeted Muscle Stimulation Therapy

Hip Pain
What could cause my Hip pain?
(click here for more info on hip pain mechanism)
- Arthritis
- Hip Labrum Tears
- Degenerative Joint Disorder (wear and tear of joint)
- Strain
- Over stretched muscles
- Partial tear of muscles
- Sprains
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- Joint capsule
- Joint Dislocation
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle stiffness
- Bursitis
- Referred pain from other joints
- Systemic Joint Disease
What treatment modalities can help?
Dr. Kerendian’s advantage as an Osteopathic Physician/ Regenerative Physician is the knowledge to affectively diagnose and more importantly, the skill-set to treat COMPREHENSIVELY by utilizing any combination of modalities that are listed below to treat your hip pain and injuries.
- Visco-Supplementation Therapy (Hyaluronic Acid)
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
- Stem Cell Augmentation
- Trigger Point Injections
- Prolotherapy
- Osteopathic Manual Therapy
- Manual Adjustments
- Myofascial Release Therapy
- Targeted Muscle Stimulation Therapy
Many patients have turned to Dr. Kerendian for the resolution of their pain after many failed attempts with other practitioners including chiropractors, orthopedic physicians, and even pain management specialists.
What is Pain?
Pain is a sensation in your brain that has different intensity levels, which range from low to debilitating. This sensation is triggered by a dysfunction in one of the musculoskeletal layers of the body (however the pain sufferer is unable to determine the origin of the pain).
What modalities are appropriate to treat your pain?
There is no one cookie-cutting approach to patient care, especially in the treatment of pain control. Dr. Kerendian will choose the modality of pain control based on his diagnosis of not only what is the root cause of your pain, but also what are the secondary causes of your pain. For Example, the root cause of an individual’s pain may be a sprain of your ligaments, and the secondary cause can be due to muscle stiffening or Fascia tension. Therefore, your pain is not effectively treated unless all three of those layers are effectively cared for.
What different tissues can contribute to pain?
- The bones
- The ligaments or tendons (which is the cause behind many chronic pain sufferers)
- Muscle bellies
- Joint cartilage
- Joint capsules and synovium
- Joint discs
- Fascia (involved and critical in 75% of pain)
- Skin
- Body physiology
- Psychological triggers
- Internal organ dysfunction
What conditions can benefit from Dr. Kerendian’s pain therapy?
- Chronic headaches
- Migraine headaches
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Knee
- Hip
- Spine
- Lower back pain
- Bulging discs
- Spinal stenosis or pinched nerve
- Sciatic pain
- Muscular dysfunctional pain
- Recurrent ankle sprains
- Recurrent back pain
- Chronic knee pain
- Either with normal or abnormal radiographs
- Facial or jaw pain
- Recurrent or chronic shoulder or neck pain
- Stress induced shoulder and neck stiffness
- Tennis elbow
- Tendonitis
- Golfer’s elbow
- PMS pain
Why Have I been taking pain medications for long periods of time?
Most physicians like to pursue the easiest method while addressing pain. As a result, many physicians will often prescribe you pain medications that block the sensation of your pain; therefore you will be numbed to the discomfort for the period of time that the medication is in your system.
Unfortunately this does not address the core issue behind your pain, and often the origin of pain goes untreated for years while you become dependent on the pain medication.
How is Dr. Kerendian different from other doctors?
As an osteopathic physician, Dr. Payam Kerendian has specialized in musculoskeletal care. Throughout his training and residency, he has perfected his method of treating pain in a comprehensive approach. He likes to treat the core issue of pain along with the secondary causes of pain.
Many patients have turned to Dr. Kerendian for the resolution of their pain after many failed attempts with other practitioners including chiropractors, orthopedic physicians, and even pain management specialists.
When evaluating and tailoring the proper pain therapy, the body has to be considered as a whole and treated methodologically to relieve tension in any and all different tissues and body parts that contribute to aggravate your given pain.
Does he treat acute pain or chronic pain?
He can treat acute pain or chronic pain. Acute pain is very easy to figure out and treat, and many patients are very pleased with the results of Dr. Kerendian’s treatment. Chronic pain is often more difficult to treat, but Dr. Kerendian is dedicated to spending the time and effort necessary to help relieve your discomfort. Very often, Dr. Kerendian finds results where others have failed to offer you relief.
What is his method of treatment?
Based on an original consult and evaluation of your pain, Dr. Kerendian will tailor and plan a comprehensive treatment regimen that will address all of the factors that contribute to your pain:
Visit frequency: may range from once per week to once per month depending on the nature and severity of your pain.
Modalities: Your treatment regimen may require one modality or a combination of modalities delivered in a methodical and time sensitive matter to best treat, alleviate and cure your pain. You physician will deliver all of these modalities personally, including:
- Trigger point injection therapy
- Prolotherapy
- Osteopathic manual therapy
- Myofascial release
- Soft tissue
- Muscle energy
- Spinal adjustments
- Botox
- Pain signal reconditioning
- Joint injections
- Ligament strengthening injections
- Myers cocktail drip
Plan: You will have detailed plan that specifies a visit itinerary which includes exact modalities and dates. These visits and modalities are to be performed alongside home instructions so to help you get the maximum benefit out of your treatments.
Does he prescribe painkillers and muscle relaxers?
Dr. Kerendian’s model of therapy is aimed to alleviate and cure the cause of pain rather than to mask the cause of pain. However, medications are sometimes used temporarily as a part of his comprehensive treatment.
Dr. Kerendian will not continue prescribing long-term medications if you are not involved in any active curative treatment therapy.
Does Insurance cover his treatments?
We do accept all PPO health insurance as a payment method. Many of our patients have enjoyed the benefit of their insurance company covering the cost of their treatments. Many insurance companies would rather pay for your treatments with an Osteopathic Physician such as Dr. Kerendian over the cost of alternatives such as surgery or long-term pain medication dependence.