Fighting Weight Loss Fatigue

July 2012

Fight fatigue in your weight loss plan in Beverly HillsMaking it through all the tasks we need to complete in a single day can be difficult, especially when balancing our work and home lives with a weight loss plan in the bustling environment of Beverly Hills. It can be enough to take the steam out of anyone, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself nodding off at your desk as the clock reaches the dreaded 3 p.m. afternoon slump.

No one can keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny, but keeping your energy levels up will be a big help in reaching your weight loss goals as you balance the other important aspects of your lifestyle. Here’s why fighting fatigue is so important as you work to slim down, along with a few easy solutions for increasing your energy levels as you find yourself slowing down midday.

Excess Weight and Fatigue

Though it may not sound quite like a clinical term, a condition known as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is pervasive in the US, leading many Americans to have low energy levels at work, experience a reduced quality of life and even fall asleep while driving or performing other important functions. Prevalence of the condition is affected greatly by sleep disorders and deprivation, but another recent study has shown that weight may play an important role in EDS.

In a study at Penn State, researchers found that obesity was a strong risk factor in those who developed EDS, and that those who gained weight during the study were much more likely to also feel fatigued. Conversely, those who lost weight during the study were associated with more alertness and a remission of EDS.

Fortunately, this means that slimming down with your weight management program could ultimately help you beat daytime drowsiness. However, you may still occasionally need a little pick-me-up to make it through the day. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by fatigue, try one of these easy techniques to lift your energy levels.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing is what brings oxygen to your brain, so it may be a small wonder that changing the way you breathe can help you wake up. One method of yogic breathing known as Anuloma Viloma or alternate nostril breathing may help you ditch that listless feeling. Theoretically, by alternating your breathing through each nostril, you can provide equal amounts of oxygen to each side of your brain, ultimately increasing your energy levels.

Here’s how to give this yogic breathing technique a shot:

  • Inhale through your left nostril for four counts while closing your right nostril with your thumb.
  • Hold your breath, with both nostrils held closed, and count to sixteen.
  • Exhale through your right nostril for eight counts while closing your left nostril with your ring and pinky fingers.
  • Inhale through your right nostril for four counts while closing your left nostril with your ring and pinky fingers.
  • Hold your breath, with both nostrils closed, and count to sixteen.
  • Exhale through your left nostril for eight counts while closing your right nostril with your thumb.

Yogis consider this to be the best technique for calming the mind and nervous system and boosting your creative and logical thinking. For the best results, start with only a couple rounds of this technique and gradually increase as you get used to it.

Feeling worn down in the middle of your day will make it much harder to finish the rest of it. Though your weight loss plan and the many other demands of your daily life may sap your energy quickly, you can take solace in knowing that your diet and exercise program will increase your energy as you lose weight.