Men With Sexual Dysfunction Have a Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer. True or False?

August 2023

Man running along the coastProstate cancer, a common form of cancer affecting the walnut-sized gland responsible for semen production, may lead to sexual dysfunction due to treatments such as radiation therapy and prostate removal surgery. However, it is uncertain whether existing sexual dysfunction increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.

A recent study aimed to shed light on this relationship by analyzing a collection of studies published until October 2022. After careful scrutiny and analysis, the researchers identified 20 relevant studies, involving a total of 215,626 individuals.

The findings revealed that men with sexual dysfunction had a 1.62-fold higher risk of developing prostate cancer compared to those without sexual dysfunction. Additionally, these men demonstrated elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, which can be a potential indicator of prostate cancer.

While these results suggest a link between sexual dysfunction and increased prostate cancer risk, further research is necessary to establish the exact causes behind this association.

The study authors also discussed various reasons why this relationship might exist. Shared risk factors such as smoking, obesity, sedentary behavior, and advanced age could contribute to both sexual dysfunction and prostate cancer. Therefore, the connection between these two conditions could be a consequence of these overlapping risk factors.

While this meta-analysis provides valuable insights into the association between sexual dysfunction and prostate cancer, more investigations are needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms.

Additionally, the connection between sexual dysfunction and prostate cancer may involve sexual activity. Previous research indicates that factors such as younger age at first intercourse, multiple sexual partners, and a history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) could elevate the risk of developing prostate cancer. It’s worth noting that sexual dysfunction may also have a shared risk factor with prostate cancer: a history of STIs.

Conversely, frequent ejaculation, especially during early adulthood, might lower the risk of prostate cancer. Men with satisfactory sexual function often experience more frequent ejaculation throughout adulthood, potentially reducing their chances of developing prostate cancer.

However, it’s crucial to understand that these hypotheses cannot be confirmed or disproven based on the present study alone. Further investigations are essential to shed light on the possible reasons for the association between sexual dysfunction and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Nonetheless, it is valuable for both patients and healthcare providers to be aware of this relationship for health checkups and cancer screening purposes.