Letting Go and Losing Weight

January 2012

Letting Go and Losing WeightIt can be very easy to become overloaded with things to do. For many people, the line between personal responsibilities and favors for others becomes blurred, especially as you begin to volunteer at your child’s school or run errands for a friend that isn’t feeling well. As you are trying to lose weight, it is important to take a stand for yourself and make sure that you are not carrying around too many burdens that do not belong to you. Your weight loss center in Beverly Hills can help you to shed your excess pounds—take the time for yourself to shed the excess burden that you have also been lugging around.

As you work towards meeting your weight loss goal you have had to take on a number of extra responsibilities, including exercising, monitoring your calorie intake, eating enough of the right nutrients, learning new recipes, taking vitamins, and many more. As you take these positive steps in your own life, take the opportunity to embrace the change and let go of other responsibilities that are affecting you internally—either mentally or emotionally. Carrying the burdens of others is like carrying around a bag of rocks. It is time to let go of those rocks and become healthier mentally and emotionally as you work towards becoming physically in shape as well.

Take some time to begin journaling what you do during the course of the day. In the morning, try writing down what you would like to accomplish for yourself, and then before bed begin to tally what you have done for yourself as opposed to what you have done for everyone else in your life. All too often, the scale is tipped in the direction of others. By learning to say no to requests that you are not responsible for, you can find balance in your life as you gradually let go of the rocks that you have been lugging around for too long.